

  • B2O’s Organic Mustard Oil is a cold compressed oil which is unrefined, and rich in nourishing vitamins and antioxidants. It has a higher smoke point making it the best suitable for cooking and other uses. 
  • It is extracted from the organically grown mustard seeds. 

Benefits : 

  • It is 100% pure, organic, and free from preservatives.
  • B2O’S Organic Mustard Oil can be used for cooking without worrying about calories, as it is cholesterol free. 
  • Henceforth this oil helps in maintaining heart health, improves blood circulation, boosts immunity and overall well being.

Suggested Preparation : 

  • This oil can be used for sauteing, stir frying and so on. 
  • It can also be used raw as a seasoning for salads and marinades.
  • Also, it can be used as a career oil making it special as it can be used for skin, body and hair care. 


B2O’s Organic Cold-pressed Mustard Oil  is from the finest organic mustard seeds, this oil stands out as a premium choice, free from artificial additives, preservatives, and chemicals.B2O’s Organic Mustard Oil boasts a distinct flavor, derived from the high-quality mustard seeds carefully selected for extraction. Known for its potential to stimulate blood circulation and promote skin health, it can be incorporated into skincare routines, haircare rituals, or even used for massages. Elevate your dishes and nourish your body with the goodness of organic mustard oil from B2O.